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Decorated Pralines

Imported beautiful cases will turn your table adorable. All the colors and flavors available.

Candies counter

Decorated containers add a lot of fun to any party. Smarties, chocolate balls, M&M’s and gums available.

Popcorn Boxes

Handmade decorated popcorn are a HIT at our parties. Choose your theme and let them shine!

Special Cakes

Fondant or butter cream themed cake makes your party complete! Choose your flavours, design and…happy Birthday!!!

Misto quente

The most popular brazilian grilled ham&cheese sandwiches in mini sizes. Our bestseller is served hot.

Colorful Meringues

Homemade meringues cones will decorate your sweet table so nicely. Kids love mini versions of the classic Dessert.

Chicken Snacks

Very popular in Brazil, worldwide loved. Served warm, these snacks are a must at any casual party. A special chili adds a perfect touch.

Fruits Salad

Fresh fruits are always welcome to celebrations. Mini glasses will bring a colorful touch to your festive table.